Another update with a freshly finished base of French Men at Arms. These were assembled from my first box of Perry Miniatures Agincourt French Infantry. The banners provided with the figures focus heavily on the Battle of Agincourt, so these guys are currently under the banner of St Denis. This banner was used in French armies as a national symbol in the same way as the cross of St George was used by the English. My intention is to use the cross banners to indicate which unit contains the general in games of Impetus. The sabot arrangement allows this to be exchanged between units where necessary – e.g. for the English at Cravant it will be with the Earl of Salisbury, but at Verneuil it will be with the Duke of Bedford.

The Agincourt Foot Knights box has a couple of banners that are useful for the 1420s, and the rest I have created myself using the wonders of the internet and MS Paint! These will make an appearance with the next batch of French men at arms that are currently awaiting paint.

So, onto the figures. All are, as ever, Perry plastics, based on 2p pieces and then on sabot trays from Warbases. There are a few identifiable figures. In the front rank, left to right are:

Jean Poton de Xaintrailles, with axe

Etienne de Vignolles (known as La Hire), with hand and a half sword

Jean d’Harcourt, Vicomte d’Aumale, with pole axe

Comte de Nevers, with hammer and shield (an anachronism as Philip II was killed at Agincourt and his son who succeeded to the title was only born in 1414!)

On the far right of the rear rank is Gilles de Rais